A Note from Our Economics Publisher
15 September 2018 marks ten years since Lehman Brothers Holdings collapsed and filed for bankruptcy protection: the largest bankruptcy filing in US history, the start of one of the deepest recessions in history, the beginning of the Eurozone debt crisis, and the peak of the global financial crisis as we saw it play out on the world stage thereafter. Since 2008, it is widely felt that banks are better capitalised and sterner regulation is in place, although a large degree of caution surrounding the financial services sector certainly resides. Today’s scholarly research continues to analyse and explore the shortcomings that led to this crisis, and propose solutions for avoiding the same situations occurring in future. Consequentially, this has prompted a sector of the research community to rethink what the Economics discipline is offering and how it is equipping both students of today and researchers and practitioners of tomorrow to better manage the economy and our financial services industry. Our front list reflects these developments alongside traditional theories and views, and we are always interested in discussing new proposals across the spectrum of economics, finance and business.
This latest campaign from Palgrave Macmillan considers the past decade by way of backlist works and reflects on the enormous impact that John Maynard Keynes’ theories have had in the post-crash financial space. As such, and being the original publisher of Keynes’ most influential work The General Theory of Employment, Interest and Money, we are delighted to present our new edition of this flagship book voted the ‘Academic Text that Most Shaped Modern Britain’ by Academic Book Week, hot off the press and containing new contributions by Paul Krugman and Robert Skidelsky. Simultaneously, we dedicate a special part of this campaign to Palgrave’s backlist on Keynes which includes some classic texts from some of the foremost authors in the field.
We are fortunate and pleased to present you with author insights from Paul Davidson, John Theodore, Daniel Cash, Theodore Pelagadis, Harold L Vogel, Robert Skidelsky and Eva Porres, amongst others, and do hope you will enjoy and benefit from this timely and retrospective campaign.
If you would like to discuss a new book project, please contact me at rachel.sangster@palgrave.com. For those authors interested in publishing a shorter-form work, our Palgrave Pivots present the perfect option very effectively bridging the gap between a journal article and full length monograph.
Rachel is currently accepting new proposals, including but not limited to, the areas of political economy, history of economic thought, comparative economics, transition economics, international economics, labour economics and development economics.